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Planting Plan Pastel Meadow Download


Inspired by our favourite perennial collection, we have now created a perennial planting plan for you!

The most beautiful pastel shades contrasted by an enchanting dark masterwort. Wild, meadow-like, high structures in combination with long-flowering perennials such as Calamintha and Scabiosa ensure long blooming pleasure and are a real feast for bees, butterflies and insects.

The plans dimensions are suitable for a large perennial bed measuring 4.00 m x 1.50 m. You get two versions: One for a bed in front of a background like a wall and one for an island bed that is accessible from both sides. The perennials are staggered differently in height in these two variants.

Of course, the document also contains detailed instructions and a list with information on all the plants. You will receive two PDFs in German to print out after receipt of payment!

Please note that this plan is only available in German at the moment!

If you would like to purchase suitable perennials from us, you can do so via the online shop or request them directly at!

Location: sun
Flowering time: April – October

SKU: A000002P Categories: , ,
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