Planungskarten gratis downloaden! Mit über 200 Planungskarten für Stauden, Blumenzwiebeln und Dahlien deinen Garten planen! Jetzt anmelden

Planning Cards for
Bed Design Download


When planning a perennial bed, it is always good to have as accurate a visual idea as possible of how it will look later. Our downloadable planning cards are the best tool for this! You can use them to find the most beautiful combinations by sliding the cards together and checking whether the flowers and shapes harmonise with each other. With the planning table you can see whether your selection really makes sense, i.e. whether your bed will flower for a long time and is in balance. Planning paper and shopping list make it easy for you to determine quantities.

Included are:

– 219 planning cards with the most beautiful perennials, dahlias and bulbs

– Planning chart, shopping list, graph paper and short instructions

You get a document that you can print out! The product is only available in German.

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