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Pink peonies in full bloom

The most beautiful peonies

The sale of perennials will be paused over the winter. It will start again in March 2025.

Peonies are among the most beautiful cut flowers of all and it has been a long-awaited wish to present the most beautiful varieties here. But I love them not only in the vase – perennial peonies are also a real joy for me in the garden. Although they are not perennials, they have so many good qualities that they are indispensable to me. Their foliage is beautiful even after flowering and brings good structure to the beds. Planted in the right place, they flower for decades and don’t even need any special care.

They are flowers that you plant once and then simply forget about. Instead of resenting you, they become more beautiful from year to year! They need a sunny spot without root pressure. When it comes to soil type, peonies are very adaptable in my experience. Like all perennials, they should be cut back in winter and given a little fertiliser in spring. We have put together the prettiest varieties in beautiful shades of pink and apricot for you. Plant them singly or in small groups in your flower beds, their wonderful flowers will beguile you for years.

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