Helpful tools to download
I am sitting in front of the screen today, quite tired and a bit confused. It’s my first day back at work after a long holiday. Probably many of you feel this way in January. Flowers are far away right now, the garden is submerged in grey-brown mud.
And yet this is the most important time to be a gardener! If you don’t invest energy in new plans in January, you will probably run panically through the garden centre in May and make your gardening year difficult with not well considered purchases. Overall it will be likely you spend too much money in the process.
In this respect: planning is everything in the garden.
To make things as easy as possible for you, we have compiled a small overview of when our plants are sold and when you should plant them. Most of you already know this. However, we get so many requests for dahlias during the summer time that it didn’t seem like a bad idea.
Print it out and put it on your notice board!
(…apropos dahlias: These will be delivered next week and will go into our online shop at the end of January).
In addition, we are now focusing on seeds again, because you can start sowing them as early as February or March! For a really good overview of our range, here is our guide with all the important information on planting and care, as well as an overview of which variety is best suited to which situation:
Seed recommendations for different situations
If you prefer a permanent bed planting, the digital perennial kit is the best choice. The planning kit helps you to plan amazing perennial beds even without prior knowledge. You can simply download the perennial kit, print it out and get started. It is so much fun to work with!
And if you prefer the good old analogue book, you will also find what you are looking for here. Whether it’s allotment gardening, art-and-craft style, modern perennial beds, DIY fever or high-end floral art…I’ve included the best book on the subject for everyone.
I hope this colourful potpourri of tools and ideas inspires you for the new gardening year. I’m certainly feeling better now, my head is filled with flowers and my heart is full of anticipation.