Amaryllis and Tazetta Daffodils

The most beautiful indoor bulbs

Anyone who gardens knows the melancholy that settles on the soul with the first frost: so many months must now be survived! As a healing remedy against dreary winter days, I have discovered so-called indoor bulbs in recent years. Amaryllis and tazetta daffodils can be planted indoors and bring many weeks of flowering joy. They look much more natural than some bouquets and are easier to handle than most indoor plants.

Until now, I only knew amaryllis in red. It was therefore a pleasure to find the most delicate and interesting pastel shades for you. Particularly exciting are the so-called indoor daffodils, which, unlike our garden daffodils, do not need a frost period. We sell especially strong bulbs in beautiful jute bags, which will of course also make a wonderful gift. A tip: Plant the bulbs at different times, then they will flower until spring!



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