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Little Gardeners

A handpicked selection of the best garden tools and accessories for little hands

When I was pregnant with my first child, I had wonderful images in my mind of gardening together. I was sure: it would become our favourite activity. How wrong you can be! Apart from the wheelbarrow and the water hose, my girl couldn’t get excited about much in the garden at first. And the latter rarely watered flowers, but rather me and her squealing friends. Not wanting to give up, I nevertheless got her a solid basic set of quality gardening tools, made for little hands.

And how happy I was when she eventually started all by herself: cutting flowers for small bouquets, digging in strawberries, watering and nibbling. She mashed the soil and sowed the first seeds. The flower teepee was our first garden project together. Children need their time. As parents, you can’t hurry or demand anything. When they have the right materials, they will want to work with them. And that’s why I wanted to put together a small, hand-picked selection of the best and most beautiful gardening tools for children.

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