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Jora Dahl: Flower Notes – A Flower Journal


Finally the time has come! My first book really has become something special: When Suhrkamp Verlag contacted me more than a year ago and proposed the idea, I was thrilled from the first second on. A workbook for all flower-loving gardeners with lots of tips and tricks and the possibility to write down one’s own planning, success as well as failure, seemed extremely relevant and helpful to me.

However, It was only during the creation process that I realized what an enchantingly beautiful gift book it will be. For the cover, we decided on a linen binding with embossing, fine paper in a handy format. The beautiful illustrations by Marion Reckersdrees, whom you already know from designing our seed bags, certainly played a large part in the special aesthetics.

The workbook accompanies you for a year in your cut flower garden. It will help you create structure where chaos reigns, inspire new ways of gardening, show you the best varieties and tools. And of course, there’s plenty of inspiration to get creative with flowers!

The first 300 copies will be signed and come with a small flowering gift for you.

200 pages, hardcover, linen, Insel Verlag GmbH (15.08.2022)


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SKU: A000610B Categories: , ,

Additional information

Weight 450 g
Dimensions 21,5 × 1,5 cm
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