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Alchemilla mollis (Large-Leaved Lady’s Mantle)


The large-leaved lady’s mantle is an uncomplicated perennial that is ideal as ground cover and for edging beds. As a cut flower it is a good companion for romantic bouquets. It is undemanding, but needs to be cut back close to the ground, otherwise it tends to run wild. Lady’s mantle is at its most beautiful in the morning when the dewdrops tumble like liquid gold pearls on the leaves.

Flowering time: Jun-Jul
Height/spacing: 30-40cm/40cm
Habitat: sun/half shade, normal, fresh to moist soil
Notes: vigorous growth, hardy, easy to care for, bee pasture

Plant singly or in small groups if possible.

Perennials are only shipped to Germany due to long delivery times!

Delivery Time: 3-10 days

In stock

Additional information

Weight 1 g

9cm pot/0,5 l

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