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Blütenpracht in Töpfen


No garden or little space? Nobody proves that flower magic is possible in just a few square metres as well as Arthur Parkinson! In his book ‘Flower splendour in pots’, he opens up the fascinating world of potted plants. This inspiring book invites you to unleash your green fingers and beautify your home (even without a large garden) with beautiful flower arrangements.

It not only provides you with valuable knowledge about the different types of plants, but also offers practical tips on how to care for, design and combine potted plants. Whether you are an experienced gardener or a plant novice, the easy-to-follow instructions and stunning photographs will motivate you to put your creative ideas into practice.

Be inspired by the variety of colours and the scent of potted plants and create a blooming oasis.

208 pages, German, Callwey Verlag, 2023

Delivery Time: 2-4 Tage

In stock

SKU: A000637B Categories: ,

Additional information

Weight 1320 g
Dimensions 28 × 22 × 3 cm
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