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Cut Flower Garden – The Great Collection


With this carefully selected range of cut flower seeds, you can create an entire cut flower garden, filling 2-3 vases a week with the most beautiful flowers from June to October!


For our seed collections, we research the world for the best, most flower-rich cut flowers. Finely coordinated, they can be used to arrange wonderful bouquets. Growing them is child’s play and fresh from the garden, the flowers last a particularly long time in the vase.

Contents: 10 seed packets and instructions

Ammi majus (Bishop’s Flower), Cosmos bipinnatus ‘Rosetta’ (Cosmos), Helichrysum bracteatum ‘Silvery Rose’ (Strawflower), Limonium sinuatum ‘QIS Pastel’ (Annual Statice), Molucella leavis (Bells of Ireland), Nicotiana alata ‘Lime green’ (Tobacco Flower), Nigella damascena ‘Miss Jekyll’ (Love-in-a-Mist), Panicum virgatum ‘Fontaine’ (Ornamental Switch Grass), Zinnia elegans ‘Bernarys Giant Lime’ (Zinnia), Zinnia elegans ‘Benary’s Giant Salmon Rose’ (Zinnia)

Sowing: February – June

Here you will find a guide that contains all the information about our seeds.

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SKU: A000103SK Categories: ,

Additional information

Weight 160 g
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