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Dahlia ‘Omega’
(3 tubers)


In the series of dinnerplate dahlias, ‘Omega’ must not be missing. Its peach-coloured, lightly striped flower and its tapered petals make it unique. In the garden as in the bouquet, this dahlia is spectacular.

Location: Sun
Planting time: frost-free from March onwards or directly outdoors from May onwards.
Flowering time: July until first frost
Height/spacing: 80-100 cm/40-50 cm
Flower type: Fimbriata 
Flower size: 20 cm

Content: 3 tubers

In stock

SKU: A000520D Category:


Planting instructions

Planting & caring for dahlias

The easiest way is to plant dahlias outside in a sunny spot from mid-May – either directly in the bed or in planters. These have the advantage that the dahlias are better protected from slugs. Alternatively, dahlias can be grown frost-free from March and planted in the garden from mid-May.
Place the dahlias with the stalk facing upwards in an appropriately wide, 5-10 cm deep hole. The stalk itself should only be minimally covered with soil. As soon as the first green of the dahlias is visible, they can be watered.
Dahlias should be supported, otherwise the large flowers can easily fall over in windy or stormy weather. At a height of approx. 50 cm, it is advisable to pinch out dahlias (i.e. cut off the main shoot above a rosette of leaves), as they will then produce more flowers. Regular pruning and cutting for the vase also prolongs the flowering period. Fertilise regularly with liquid fertiliser until autumn.

Digging up and overwintering dahlias

Dahlias are perennials, but do not tolerate frost. The tubers should therefore be carefully dug up with a hand fork and cleaned after the first night of frost. Allow them to dry a little and then store them in air-permeable boxes or cartons, separated from each other by newspaper, in a frost-free, cool and dry place, for example in the cellar. Temperatures of approx. 10°C are ideal.
In regions with mild winters, dahlias can remain in the ground. It is important to place them in a sheltered position, e.g. on a warm house wall or near water and covered with compost and leaves. The stalk of the dahlias can also be wrapped in sheep’s wool.

Further tips on sowing & care


Additional information

Weight 600 g

3 Knollen

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