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Dahlia variabilis ‘Bishop’s Children’ (Dahlia)


A dahlia that blooms in beautiful, intense shades of red and is easy to grow from seed. Its unfilled flowers are popular with bees and its long dark stems make it perfect as a cut flower for autumn bouquets.

Site: full sun
Height: 90 cm
Plant spacing: 30 cm
Pflant type: Annuals
Sowing: February-April (indoors)/May-June (outdoors)
Planting depth: 1 mm
Germination temperature: ca. 15-20 °C
Pinch:  –
Days to maturity: 100-120 days
Flowering period: June-September
Vase life: approx. 7 days

Seeds per packet: 40

Here you will find a guide that contains all the information about our seeds.

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Planting instructions

Sowing & caring for dahlias

Sow seeds indoors in trays or pots 4 to 8 weeks before your last frost. Indoors, sow between February and April. Cover the seeds only lightly with soil. Dahlias have a tendency to germinate sporadically, so be patient. Wait until the weather is consistently warm before transitioning young plants into the garden (from around May/June). Direct-seeding dahlias is not recommended.


Harvesting dahlias & cutting for the vase

Prune flowers regularly. Dahlias hardly unfurl after the harvest, so it is important not to cut them too early, but when the flowers are three quarters open. The best time to cut them is in the morning. The vase life is about 7 days.

Further tips for sowing & care

In our journal articles you will find many valuable tips on the subject of sowing:

Additional information

Weight 7 g
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