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Geranium Hybride ‘Rozanne’ ® (Cranesbill)


This geranium variety is a phenomenon! No other perennial has such a long and rich flowering period. It starts in May and really only ends with the first frost. This abundant flowering has its price, but is simply unsurpassed among perennials. The violet-blue flowers also look terrific in containers!

Flowering time: Jun-Nov
Height/spacing: 35-60 cm/50 cm
Habitat: Sun to partial shade, normal to fresh soil
Notes: If the plant becomes too lush, simply cut it back close to the ground; new flowers will appear after a few weeks.

Perennials are only shipped to Germany due to long delivery times!

Delivery Time: 3-10 days

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Additional information

Weight 1 g

11cm pot/1 l

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