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Helianthus debilis
‘Pro Cut Peach’ (Sunflower)


An easy-care sunflower with light, peach-coloured petals and a dark centre. Branches well and produces several flower heads per stem.

Site: sun
Height: 150 cm
Spacing: 45 cm
Type: annuals
Cultivation: February-April (indoor)/May-June (outdoor)
Seeding depth: 1-1,5 cm
Germination temperature: ca. 18-20 °C
Pinching: n./a.
Days to maturity: 80-90 days
Flowering period: June-October
Vase life: 7-10 days
Notes:Provide support if necessary!

Content: 15 seeds



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SKU: A000294S Categories: ,

Additional information

Weight 7 g
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