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Jora Dahl Perennial Kit Download

Original price was: 49,90 €.Current price is: 29,90 €.

Perennials are the most important garden plants for me! They are easy to care for and bring fullness and color to the garden. If only the planning wasn’t so complicated! With our perennial kit, creating beautiful beds is now child’s play. You get all the important tools in your hand that even professionals use. Without previous knowledge and long book study you are able to quickly and easily plan beds that really work, bloom for a long time and look good for many years. You can just download the perennial kit, print it out and get started. It’s so much fun to work with!

How does it all work? You cut apart the perennial cards and lay out the prettiest combinations. Use the planning chart to see if your choices really make sense, i.e. your bed will bloom for a long time and be in balance. Planning paper and a shopping list make it easier for you to determine quantities. And if you don’t have time to plan at all, you’ll also get two ready-to-use planting plans that are scalable to almost any bed size.

Jora Dahl’s perennial kit consists of:

– a detailed guide with specific design examples
– a planning table
– a planning paper
– a shopping list
– 219 beautiful perennial cards of the most beautiful varieties
– 2 ready modular planting plans with tables and care instructions

The product is only available in German.

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