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Matthiola Incana ‘Iron Yellow’ (Stock)


This stock exudes an incredible vintage charm and enchants with cream-colored, densely filled flowers. Its long stems are strong and perfect for cutting. Can be grown under protection as a cool flower or as an annual. Light germinator!

Site: sun
Height: 70 cm
Spacing: 20 cm
Type: annual, cool flower
Cultivation: January-April (indoors)/March-May or August-October (outdoors)
Seeding depth: max. 0,5 cm (light germinator!)
Germination temperature: 15-20 °C
Pinching: no
Time to maturity: 95-105 days
Flowering period: May-Sep
Vase life: 10 days

Content: 40 seeds


In stock

SKU: A000302S Categories: ,


Planting instructions

Sowing & caring for stock

Stocks can either be sown in early fall in a sheltered spot as a cool flower. This leads to an earlier flowering time from around May. Alternatively, sowing can also be started in February. Stocks  are so-called light germinators and must therefore not be covered with soil. The seeds should only be placed on the substrate and moistened. After about 7 days, the levkoyas will begin to germinate. Pricking out should be avoided as the stocks only form one stem and flower formation is prevented. Depending on the time of sowing, the plants can then be planted in the bed from mid/late October or in spring when they are large enough.

Harvesting & cutting stock for the vase

Stocks are very frugal and require little care. However, care should be taken to ensure a sunny location and loose soil. The ideal time for cutting is when the flowers on the stem are about 1/3 open. Harvesting in the morning or evening (when temperatures are still a little cooler) extends the vase life.

Further tips on sowing

In our journal articles you will find many valuable tips on the subject of sowing:

Additional information

Weight 7 g
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