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Paeonia lactiflora hybrid ‘Coral Sunset’ (Peony)


The peony ‘Coral Sunset’ is an exceptionally elegant and graceful perennial. Early in the year, it enriches the garden with its beautiful, fragrant large flowers. Its initial coral pink colour changes to a delicate shade of salmon during the flowering period, turning into a wonderful cream at the end of the flowering period. Its lush, dark green foliage creates a unique contrast to this colour spectacle. ‘Coral Sunset’ is absolutely easy to care for and undemanding. Once it has found its place in the garden, you will be able to enjoy its beauty for decades.

Peonies are very sensitive at the root. They must be planted extremely carefully and preferably never replanted, then these easy-care plants will delight us for decades with ever more abundant blooms. Snails cannot harm them, bees love unfilled or semi-double varieties.

Flowering time: Mai-Jun
Height/spacing: 70-80cm/80-100cm
Loaction: sun, fresh, well-drained & nutrient-rich soil
Notes:Early flowering, lovely fragrance, cut flower

The peonies are sent in 2l pots.

Perennials are only sent to Germany due to long delivery times!

Delivery Time: 3-10 days

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Additional information

Weight 1 g

2 l

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