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Perennial Collection Pink Damask


A colorful mixture in purple-white combined with one of the most beautiful daylilies ever. The pink color is indescribable. This collection works well in dry and sunny. Pink Damask is a real bee and butterfly magnet and extremely long flowering.

2x Veronicastrum virginicum ‘Diana’, 1x Perovskia atriplicifolia ‘Blue Spire’, 2x Agastache Rugosa ‘Blue Fortune’, 3x Scabiosa columbaria, 1x Hermerocallis hybride ‘Pink Damask’.

9 plants for 1-2 sqm bed

For more abundance or a larger area it is advisable to order the collection several times and to plant the same varieties in groups.

Flowering time: June-Sep

Habitat: Sun, normal to dry soil

Due to long delivery times perennials are only shipped to Germany!

Delivery Time: 5-10 days

In stock

SKU: J02K Categories: ,

Additional information

Weight 1 g

9 cm/0,5 l

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