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Perennial Collection Rose Garden


A beautiful mixture that perfectly suits rose gardens. This collection makes the queen of flowers look even more beautiful and brings an interesting aspect to any rose bed with its vertical structures. But even without roses, these nostalgic perennials look charming. Long blooming season and wonderful for bees.

2x Veronicastrum virginicum ‘Diana’, 3x Calamintha nepeta ‘Triumphator’, 1x Anemone hupehensis ‘September Charme’, 3x Scabiosa columbaria ‘Pink Mist’.

9 plants for 1-2 sqm bed area.

For more abundance or a larger area, it is advisable to order the collection several times and to plant the same varieties in groups.

Flowering time: June-Oct

Habitat: Sun, normal soil

Due to long delivery times perennials are only shipped to Germany!

Delivery Time: 5-10 days

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SKU: J04K Categories: ,

Additional information

Weight 1 g

9 cm/0,5 l

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