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Asarina scandens ‘Mystic Rose’ (Climbing Snapdragon)


A beautiful, tall-growing climbing plant from Mexico for a warm and sunny location. Flowers continuously until November!

Since the seeds of this variety are very fine, we recommend using our seed chute when sowing!

Site: Sun
Height: 200 cm
Spacing: 40 cm
Type: annual
Cultivation: February-April (indoors)/May-June (outdoors)
Seeding depth: Light germinator
Germination temperatur: approx. 18-20 °C
Pinching: at approx. 10-12 cm
Time to maturity: 110-120 days
Flowering period: July-October
Vase life: 6 days

Content: 25 seeds

Here you will find a guide that contains all the information about our seeds.


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SKU: A000291S Categories: ,

Additional information

Weight 7 g
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