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Lathyrus odoratus
‘Spencer Old Times’ (Sweet Pea)


The cream-coloured petals are complemented by a blue-purple edge and make this wonderfully fragrant sweet pea something very special.

Site: sun
Height: 200 cm
Spacing: 10-15 cm
Type: annuals, cool flower
Cultvation: February-March (indoors)/from mid-May (outdoors)
Seeding depth: 1 cm
Germination temperature: ca. 13-18°C
Pinching: at about 10- 15 cm
Time to maturity: 75-90 days
Flowering period: May-September
Vase life: 4-6 days
Notes: Requires a climbing support

Content: 10 seeds

Planting and caring for sweet peas.

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SKU: A000296S Categories: , , ,


Additional information

Weight 7 g
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