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Dalia Metal Planters (Set of 3)


I love these big, stylish pots and particularly like to plant dahlias, bulbs and summer annuals in them. The advantages: you have better control over the growth of the young plants than in a bed, slugs are deterred and you can create beautiful planting patterns by pushing a few plant pots together.

The pots are not 100% weatherproof and should be kept in a sheltered place. I would also always knock or drill a few small holes in the bottom to prevent waterlogging. They are very light and therefore also perfect for balconies.

Metal Planters (Set of 3) by Boltze, Dimensions: 

  • Large:      40cm tall, Ø 45cm
  • Medium: 35cm tall, Ø 37cm
  • Small:      30cm tall, Ø 30cm

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Additional information

Weight 6000 g
Dimensions 48 × 49 × 42 cm
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