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Bistorta officinalis, Persicaria bistorta ‘Superbum‘ (Common Bistort)


The elongated spikes of the common bistort ‘Superbum’ rise proudly and make the border shine with their special, light pink flowers. These may seem rather plain, but that doesn’t make them any less lovely. There is something almost meditative about following their movements in the balmy evening breeze. This perennial likes it moist as well as sunny to semi-shady and thus rewards with a lush growth.

Flowering time: Jun-Jul
Height/spacing: 60-80cm/40cm
Habitat: sun/part shade, moist soil
Notes: richly flowering selection, lush growth, bee-friendly, suitable for pruning

Plant singly or in small groups if possible.

Perennials are only shipped to Germany due to long delivery times!

Delivery Time: 3-10 days

In stock

Additional information

Weight 1 g

9cm pot/0,5 l

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