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Wild Bouquets New Cottage Garden

19,90 29,90 

Gorgeous pastel colours, nostalgic flowers! This mix exudes a magical vintage charm in the garden. Levkoye is one of the most fragrant flowers, a delight for all the senses!


For our seed collections, we search the world for the best, most floriferous cut flowers. Finely coordinated, they can be used to create wonderful bouquets. Growing them is child’s play and fresh from the garden, the flowers last a particularly long time in the vase.

Our Wild Bouquet is available in two versions. The new starter kit contains everything you need for growing.

Starter kit: 5 seed packets, 20 coconut source tablets, 20 wooden labels, a planting plan and instructions.

Standard: 5 seed packets and instructions.

Matthiola incana ‘Iron Apricot’, Matthiola incana ‘Iron Cherry Blossom’, Matthiola incana ‘Iron Yellow’, Orlaya grandiflora ‘White Lace’, Gomphrena globosa ‘Rose’

Sowing: February – June

Small guide to sowing and harvesting cut flowers

Delivery Time: 2-4 Tage

SKU: A000112SK Category:

Additional information

Weight 140 g
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