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The Land Gardeners: Cut Flowers


The Land Gardeners –  a female duo from England who design wonderful gardens, grow cut flowers in their own (manor) garden and sell them in London. I discovered them a few years ago and fell in love with the varieties they grow, the aesthetics of their flower bouquets and their philosophy of organic gardening.

Now they published their first book  and it is one of the most beautiful ones on my shelf! The pictures are as inspiring as the unusual variety tips. I have rarely found as much magic in a garden book.

Written by Bridget Elworthy and Henrietta Courtauld

256 pages, hardcover, English, Thames and Hudson (01 October 2019).

Delivery Time: 2-4 Tage

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SKU: A000626B Categories: , ,

Additional information

Weight 2160 g
Dimensions 34 × 27 × 3 cm
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