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Tropaeolum majus
‘Purple Emperor’ (Nasturtium)


A nasturtium in a subtle purple colour that grows rapidly and radiates nostalgic charm in the garden. The flowers and leaves are edible and an ornamental addition to any salad.

Site: sun-partial shade
Height: 200 cm
Spacing: 20 cm
Type: annual
Cultivation: from February (indoors)/from May (outdoors)
Seedind depth: 2 cm
Germination temperature: ca. 15-20 °C
Pinching: n./a.
Time to maturity: 60-70 days
Flowering period: Jul-Oct
Vase life: 8 days
Notes: very sensitive to cold

Content: ca. 15 seeds

Guide: Planting and caring for nasturtiums

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SKU: A000298S Categories: , , ,

Additional information

Weight 7 g
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