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Verbascum x cultorum ‘Jackie’ (Mullein)


‘Jackie’ is a small mullein in a stunning colour: Dusky rosé with a touch of apricot! Exudes charm and nostalgia in the flower bed and should be planted in front. Mulleins are absolute long flowering perennials if they are pruned regularly. As they are short-lived, it is advisable to leave a few seed heads at the end of the flowering period so that the plant can sow.

Bee pasture plants. Tolerates drought excellently.

Flowering time:May-Aug
Height/spacing: 60 cm/35 cm
Position: sun, dry soil
Notes: reblooms after deadheading (2nd blooming)


Plant singly or in small groups if possible.

Perennials are only shipped to Germany due to long delivery times!

Delivery Time: 3-10 days

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Additional information

Weight 1 g

11 cm / 1l

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