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With these tools you can easily stage your flowers like a florist!

When I first started sowing and harvesting flowers in my garden, I was amazed at how beautifully wild they looked in the vase compared to the imported stuff from overseas – even without any floristic design. But as time went on, I got the desire to experiment and learn the tricks of floristry. It is such a satisfying activity to go out into the garden, return with a big bucket of freshly cut flowers and let your creativity run wild. The things you can do with flowers!

From opulent centerpieces to freshly made bouquets for birthdays or working with dried flowers – I wouldn’t want to miss out on this new-found passion and therefore share with you here a small fine selection of tools and accessories that represent the perfect basic equipment for me. It goes without saying that I try to avoid plastics as much as possible and replace the foam with environmentally friendly alternatives. Start getting creative, it’s worth it!

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