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Planting and caring for stocks

Unique vintage charm for the garden & vase

Stocks (Matthiola incana) exude an unrivalled vintage charm in the garden. The pastel-coloured, densely double flowers in combination with the long, strong stems make them the perfect cut flowers. However, it is not just their beauty that gardeners can enjoy, but also their wonderfully intense fragrance and edible flowers.

The most important facts in brief

  • Cool Flower
  • annual cut flower
  • light germinator
  • sowing outside possible in autumn or early spring
  • extension of the flowering period through subsequent sowing
  • sunny, protected location
  • well-drained & loose soil
  • edible flowers
  • suitable for beds, tubs and pots
  • insect pasture

Matthiola Incana ‘Iron Cherry Blossom’

Sowing stocks

Stocks belong to the Cool Flowers, the so-called hardy annuals. Some varieties are actually absolutely frost-hardy. Others (including levkoyas) still require a certain amount of protection, especially at very low temperatures. Fleece or foliage, for example, is very suitable here. Stocks can be pre-grown in a sheltered spot in early autumn and later planted as young plants in the bed. Alternatively, sowing can also be started in February; in cold regions, it is better to start indoors first. The ideal germination temperature is around 15-20 °C. Stocks are light germinators and must not be covered with soil (or if so, only minimally). The seeds should only be placed on the substrate and moistened. After about 7 days, you can look forward to the first green seedlings. Topping (i.e. the section of the main shoot before the first flower) should be avoided, as the stocks only form one stem and flower formation is otherwise prevented.

Site & soil

To develop their full beauty, stocks should be placed in a sunny and sheltered location. The soil should be well-drained and loose.

Caring for stocks

Stocks are very frugal and easy to care for. Just make sure to keep the soil evenly moist, but avoid waterlogging at all costs, as this can favour root rot. Especially in spring and summer during the flowering period, the stocks should be provided with a high-quality fertiliser. If growing in autumn, do not fertilise at first, as this can have a negative effect on winter hardiness. Otherwise, they really need very little attention in terms of care.

Matthiola Incana ‘Iron Yellow’

Harvesting stocks for the vase

Stocks are not only a real eye-catcher in the garden, they also brighten up any room with their delicate flowers and pastel colours in flower bouquets.

You should cut them in the early morning or late afternoon when the plants are at their freshest. Choose healthy stems that have at least two to three flower buds. Use sharp scissors or a knife to cut the stems at an angle. This promotes water absorption and prevents the cut from becoming blocked.

To prolong the vase life of the stocks, remove the lower leaves so that they do not rot in the water. Fill the vase with fresh, lukewarm water and place it in a cool, shady spot, as direct sunlight and heat cause the flowers to wilt more quickly.

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