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Bergs Potter Elisabeth Pot – rosa

18,00 60,00 

Elizabeth: A queen of grace and glory! And yet, this regal woman has also stood fast against storms after more than half a century on the throne. Like the queen, this pot is durable and adorned with elegance. Gothic arches embellish its sides and form a bold crown when the pot is turned upside down. The Elizabeth Pot is made as a tribute to all women, everyday queens who sail into headwinds with pride, grace, and strength.

Available in 3 sizes:

  • 14 cm/H 14 cm
  • 18 cm/H 17 cm
  • 25 cm/H 25 cm

Includes pot + saucer.

SKU: A000748G Categories: , ,

Additional information

Weight 4100 g
Dimensions 25 × 25 × 25 cm

14 cm, 18 cm, 25 cm

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