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Hesperis matronalis ‘Alba’ (Sweet Rocket)


The Sweet Rocket ‘Alba’ is a perennial with an intense fragrance that, as the name suggests, is mainly released in the evening and at night. The pleasant smell makes it a popular cut flower that is best cut at a late hour. It is a biennial perennial, but will reproduce adequately in fresh, humus-rich soil if desired.

Flowering time: May-Aug
Height/spacing: 60-70cm/30-50cm
Habitat: sun/half shade, fresh soil
Notes: fragrant, biennial, suitable for pruning, hardy

Plant singly or in small groups if possible.

Perennials are only shipped to Germany due to long delivery times!

Delivery Time: 3-10 days

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Additional information

Weight 1 g

9cm pot/0,5 l

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