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Paeonia lactiflora hybrid ‘Sarah Bernhardt’ (Peony)


Peony ‘Sarah Bernhardt’ impresses with huge, fragrant and heavily double flowers in delicate old rose. This magnificent old variety is a real highlight and shines with its elegance. It is extremely reliable and produces many flowers year after year. This variety is one of the most popular peonies of all. Because of its large flowers, it needs to be supported or planted between low-growing shrubs. Excellent cut flowers!

Peonies are very sensitive at the root. They need to be planted extremely carefully and preferably never transplanted again, then these easy-care plants will delight us for decades with ever more abundant blooms. Slugs cannot harm them, bees love unfilled or semi-filled varieties.

Flowering time: June
Height/spacing: 80cm/80-100cm
Habitat: sun, humus-rich, fresh soil
Notes: cut flower, cut off withered flowers regularly for long flowering period, needs generous space to develop, robust, long-lived

The peonies are sent in 2l pots.

Perennials are only sent to Germany due to long delivery times!

Delivery Time: 3-10 days

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Additional information

Weight 1 g


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