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Papaver nudicaule ‘Colibri Rosa Chiaro Pastello’ (Iceland Poppy)


Spectacular Iceland poppy with huge flowers in the most beautiful salmon and peach colours. Cool flower!

Since the seeds of this variety are very fine, we recommend using our seed chute when sowing!

Site: sun
Height: 50 cm
Spacing: 20 cm
Type: annual, cool flower
Cultivation: January-April (indoors)/March-May or August-October (outdoors)
Seeding depth: 5 mm
Germination temperature: 15-18 °C
Pinching: n./a.
Time to maturity: 100-120 days
Flowering period: May-July
Vase life: 5-7 days
Notes: Harvest when buds are just beginning to open. To extend the shelf life, dip the stem ends in boiling water for 7 to 10 seconds immediately after harvesting.

Content: 15 seeds



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Additional information

Weight 7 g
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