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Grace Alexander: Grow & Gather – Ein Jahr in meinem Schnittblumen-Garten


A paradisiacal cut flower garden in the South West of England: In this book, florist Grace Alexander guides us through her garden world through the seasons and explains step by step how to cultivate roses, tulips, dahlias & co. From planting and planning to sowing and planting, nurturing and caring, watering and fertilising, harvesting and pruning. It also shows how to arrange flowers in bouquets or dry them for flowering pleasure in the cold months.

She combines tried-and-tested practical tips with personal stories about magnificent harvests and the horticultural challenges of growing cut flowers. Atmospheric photographs capture the magic of the flower garden and awaken in us a longing for country life, a mindful lifestyle and an intimate connection with nature. For everyone who loves flowers.

208 pages, hardcover, paperback, 100 colour illustrations, German, Quadrille/Hardie Grant (28 March 2022)

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Additional information

Weight 792 g
Dimensions 23,4 × 15,3 cm
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