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Helleborus orientalis ‘Double Ellen Pink Spotted’ (Hellebore)


Helleborus orientalis ‘Double Ellen Pink Spotted’ enchants with its semi-double pink flowers with many wine-red spots on the petals. Hellebores have a few fantastic characteristics that set them apart from other perennials. They are evergreen, bloom at a time of year when not much else is flowering in the garden and usually grow very well in partial shade (even under trees!). The soil should nevertheless be well-drained and rich in nutrients so that these noble plants develop their full beauty.

Flowering time: Feb-Apr
Height/spacing: 40 cm/30 cm
Position: sun to partial shade, fresh soil

Plant in groups of at least 3.

Perennials are only shipped to Germany due to long delivery times!

Delivery Time: 3-10 days

In stock

Additional information

Weight 1 g

9cm pot/0,5 l

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