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Stipa tenuissima (Mexican Feather Grass)


By far the most beautiful small grass that brings a great soft-focus effect to the garden and gently plays around the flowers of the other perennials. Looks romantic and modern at the same time and can be used in any shape. Turns slowly from fresh green to golden yellow and also decorates the winter garden. Seeds profusely and likes to “wander” through the bed.

Flowering time: Jun-Jul
Height/spacing: 40cm/30cm
Habitat: sun, dry soil
Notes: do not cut in spring, just comb out lightly with your fingers, well-drained soil preferred

Perennials are only shipped to Germany due to long delivery times!

Delivery Time: 3-10 days

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SKU: J5462 Categories: ,

Additional information

Weight 1 g

9cm pot/0,5 l

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